Unpaid Internships: The good, the bad, and the ugly

14 Aug

Well, let me clarify: the following poem is merely a reflection upon the ugly side of an unpaid internship.  Or mine, to say the least.  Don’t get me wrong, internships are a great experience and I am so appreciative of the fact that I could invest a great portion of my summer in conducting experiments and observing operations without having to experience the pressure of having to work for money.  However, the unpaid internship can surely have its downsides as well.  So without further ado, a poem written after reading 109 pages of “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown during the time I could have been observing the orthotropic portion of a cardiac transplant.  Try scrutinizing it for yourself!

The hustling, the bustling,

Radiating in a neverending cyclone

Of energy

Encompassing and engaging

All that surrounds her

The huffing, the puffing

Of that one stoic girl

Wandonly sipping a useless coffee

Flipping hrough pages of a

Thrice read book

Her angst accumulating

At an alarming rate

Escalating to the point of

utter exhaustion

And eventual acceptance.

Impatience yet inability

To change, to insert her being

Into the oxymoronically fast-paced




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